Friday, March 30, 2012

may is customer appreciation month!

to celebrate YOU, ive come up w/ a May mini.... it will be to give bk to those who have supported me throughout this past year in my growing photography business.. i live, eat and breath photography.. i LOVE it. its my passion and i enjoy every single second(allthough, there are ups and downs)..

so with this said, the mini session will be for 6 lucky clients who are interested in capturing precious moments of their family, children, belly(lol), parents, friends, ect. (can not be used as engagement session or newborn)

date: May 19th (saturday)
cost: 50.00- payment IS DUE DAY OF
what's included/   up to 40 photo's placed on a cd w/copy right written release form attached,
location: SUPRISE/ HINT:::: field of flowers(pray they are still there by then), if not, i have several other locations i'm looking into:)
feel free to send me a message on facebook/ desra ramey    or shoot me a email w/details-     or comment on here is also fine!
i will only reserve 6 places/ no more...
also, this is for a family of 4/    any additional people will be 10.00ea./ for my sanity, lol..

thanks for all your support, and i look forward to working w/each of you in the future!!! God bless

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