As some of you may know, im getting together a little workshop/class on May 12th.. Let me explain what i'm going to be doing and why i'm doing it...
1st and formost, this class will be tons and tons of fun. those that have signed up already are a hoot;) the point of this class is to get together, chat, talk, explain, and give my ensight on photography and some of the things i go through w/being a photographer!
i will be going over things i know, what i do, how i prepare for a session, what camera i use, what lens i love(a couple i love), the ups and downs of photography, the settings i adore and how i use them, placing clients in the best positions, o my heavens tons and tons of things........
i DO NOT claim to know everything and i know that i still have a ton of work to be done myself. but let me tell you, my goal at the end of this class is to give those of you that love photography as much as i do, as much info as i can!!! my goal would be that everyone that comes learns everything they can about what i know and take and use it in their own dreams and goals of photography!!!!!
not only will it be tons of fun, but im going to make lunch for everyone;) and have goodie bags w/tons of stuff in it.. (some may be photography related and some not... yay!!!!
i am looking so forward to this you have no idea.... fun, fun, fun... also, i am trying to get a newborn model for the class.... i will go over tons w/the baby as well.. (prayfully that works out)..... bring your camera and a notebook for notes... cant wait!!!!!!
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