Tuesday, May 8, 2012

a few thoughts running through my head

today, ive been thinking... a lot of thinking...  i feel im going to be honest, and share my feelings, even though some may take this geared towards them, its NOT! im writing this to explain why it is i do my job and why i love photography so much!!!
1st of all, everything about photography excites me!! the trill of catching "that" photo, then transforming it into a work of art that will be a memory forever! thats what keeps me going! the clients i have, what can i say, ive had some insane, wonderful clients over this past year! looking bk on some of the photo's i took when i 1st started and still the clients loved them(when to my eye now, look funny, lol)!!!and still you would say "i love them", ;) thank you for that... ive come along way, and am still growing every single day and couldnt imagine doing anything else as a profession! this is where im suppose to be! i know this w/my whole entire heart!! you just dont enjoy your job like this and stop doing it!
there are ups and downs to this proffession as well.. its tough for me to say no, even when im so overwhelmed w/cd's, messages, emails, phone calls and need to return calls..  no is such a hard word for me... it's not about the money, thats not the reason i cant say no, i think its just me, in my mind that i need to do it.. even if it take 3-4 weeks to finish a cd!!!  the money issue is also a problem....   i need to learn to stick w/my FINAL prices and dont change it!!!! did you know it takes about 28 hours from start to finish EACH  session??? really.. here is a breakdown

driving to the destination(kspt, or another area), 5-45 minutes...
30-45 minutes for the acutal session
loading the images onto the computer- 10 minutes.
previews if i have say 3 sessions that day-1hour
working on the cd for 10 days(few days off inbetween), 15-20 hours.. sometimes i sit for 6hours at a time on 1 cd... this is for you, so that you are pleased w/the end result.
and finally delivery- 15minutes to 1hour.. depending on where and if client is there...

so, im doing this to give you a actual realization of what goes into photography!! its not just take pics, load them and edit a few and burn them... no, it takes time... and money!!! i pay for gas(which is not included, cd's, and cases, which is not included, and MY valuable time!

so the next time you ask me how much my session is you can get an idea of what is behind all the hard work that i do! i honestly dont think you could go to walmart and ask them for a discount on food, clothes or anything else.  or please dont tell me what other area photogs charge and expect me to "price match"... my prices are final, and i will stand behind my work!!  i abso love my job, so please do not take advantage of me!! this is my business, my love, my passion.. 


  1. I know how you feel....and just to think people thought I was high at $50 for edited pics on a CD lol come on people I love photography but I spend hours upon hours fixing baby blemishes making that "perfect skin tone" so I know how you feel! Years of teaching myself and all but its all worth it when you see tears of happiness! Your doing a great job and have EXTREMELY reasonable prices. After my baby is born I plan on going back full time photog so kudos!!

  2. Oh my goodness! I honestly think you just read my mind! I absolutely love photography but I do sometimes get overwhelmed. I spend so much time on my photography that my family, house and social life suffers greatly. Thank you so much for writing this! It really helps me to know I'm not alone.
