I read 1 of my upmost fav photogs status yesterday and my heart sunk.. really...
1: I do not think the amount you charge should define you as a photographer. period..... if i want to charge 125.00 and give my clients a cd full of images i will.. if you charge 1000.00 and it comes w/2 pictures so be it... i do not think this "amount" that we charge makes you a better photographer... I feel i give my clients what i choose to give b/c this works for me, in my area, with the clients I work with.. I like to be fair in pricing, but b/c i dont charge a lot doesnt make me a bad photographer.. I love, eat, breathe, sleep, smell photography and wouldnt wanna do anything else!!! this is my passion, something I enjoy... I feel so sad that i even seen this comment and really wish i didnt, b/c "we", "newer" photogs look up to the "bigger", "more expierenced" photogs, it hit me in the gut...
I choose to charge what i think is fair, period.... I feel affordability is my main goal when it comes to my clients.
has anyone else expierenced these same emotions???? I'm really sad, this has made me think twice about who to look up to...................................
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