Friday, April 13, 2012

mothers day giveaway!!!

im so proud to be the mommy to 3 of the sweetest lil gals.. i feel blessed with a great momma as well... with this said, this will be the rules to the contest!

1) you MUST like desra ramey photography on facebook
2) spread the word/share, share, share and encourage your friends or family to visit my page and "like" it!!!(and you can do this daily if you like)
3) come back to here, THE BLOG and reply you shared and where you shared my page.
                                       THAT'S IT!!!!  all you have to do is share my page!

i will then pick 2, yes 2 winners!!! (random generator, from

***1st place winner will recieve a FULL session, all images will be placed on a cd w/copyright release form delivered at the time of the cd! plus an online preview on my photography page!

***2nd place winner: im having a workshop/class on june 1st(friday), which will be at no cost for you! if you are not interested in coming to the class, you may giveaway your slot:)

so, starting now, you MUST COMMENT under this blog post if and where you shared my page..

good luck/ contest ends on friday april 27th at 6pm


  1. I shared your page on my FB wall! :)

  2. I shared on my Facebook page :)

  3. I shared you blog and face book page on my face book page. <3

  4. I shared your page on facebook:)

  5. This is Robyn Gillenwater I shared and liked on my sons fb since I'm on there a lot lol

  6. Hey it's Ashley P. I have "liked" for awhile now & have told others to "like" and book with you. LOL I have shared your page & blog. I have been telling all kinds of people about you! The most recent Kristi Bagwell. :o) Love ya!!
